Thursday, August 19, 2010
August 18th, 2010
We went through three different opinions of criticing our powerpoint. It better be byeond amazing now. But before Octavia and I could celebrate we had to bring it to Joe. Unfortunatly some of the imbedded videos decided that they didnt want to work while others did. This was a very perplexing problem because all of them were created the EXACT same way. Therefore Jeff (our hero) came up with the idea of because we were going first to use a different apple laptop that all of our movies would already work on. Thanks Jeff.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
August 17th, 2010
Octavia was not here, it was a sad sad day. I felt as if my other half was missing! Anyway....I got to fix up and update our powerpoint to what I hope is our final draft, Octavia just needs to look at it and say "ok!" and then we will be off to Joe Pow's office. Also wrote most of my speech down and started practicing. Found out that Octavia and I are first on the list which means we have to set the bar for everyone else's presentation, I am starting to get nervous.
Monday, August 16, 2010
August 16th, 2010
Today I got the rough outline of what my speech would be because Octavia and I divided up our slides. Also added some finishing touches on the powerpoint such as some pie graphs and video. Although Jeff suggested to us to change the pie graphs to charts, guess ill do that tomorrow when octavia isn't here. Lastly Jeff also helped us fix one of our subjects video with basically magic, it was amazing.
August 13th, 2010
More coding and creating video to, again, be coded. The nice break in our day came when Octavia's physics teacher came in to visit and we had lunch with her. Also it was Pooshy's last day and so I made him cookies to take back to California or to eat on the plane. Only a couple of more video's to code before we bring it all together in a few pie graphs.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
August 12th, 2010
Phew! Today Octavia and I ran our very own meeting! I was very nervous about how our new 'innovations' would go over with the group. You see we first talked about general stuff like pros, cons, what people liked and disliked. Afterwords we split them up into groups and they had a set time limit to discuss several questions that we had written on the board beforehand. This was to make sure that everyone had a chance to speak. Then when the little bell rang everyone once again converged on the big table and we discussed what they found. I think people were into it seeing as we went a half hour over our time limit. With this meeting out of the way I only have one last nerve wracking event, the final project.
August 11th, 2010
Had my Stat meeting today, it introduced me to everything Im going to be learning next year in my AP Stat class. Next Octavia and I did some more unpleasant coding before heading out to a free lunch of hamburgers. Afterwards the interns went on a trip to the George Eastman building. It was informative and I really wanted to know what they would find on the blank slates. Also I couldn't believe how much damage a single tiny louse could cause for an entire picture, it was funny that it turned it into a battery. Finally Jeff started to show us how to actually use the information that we coded on Semanta Code.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
August 10th, 2010
Our presentation is really starting to come together. We have a total of 17 slides and only our third part to finish. I had an undergrad look at it and give suggestions about how to display data and graphs. Otherwise we only have one task left, coding. We have to code the two different fields for two different activities. When thats done we will have to write our acknowledgments and biography.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
August 9th, 2010
We had a breakthrough for our final project. You see after we decided to stick with the portable eyetrackers we encountered the problem of actually coding all of the data. However thanks to a collective brain strain we came up with solutions (thanks so much Pooshy). We will prove our hypothesis in three different ways, one with coding at specific parts. Two actual video evidence and three the average time it took each participant to finish the race at the beginning of the tutorial.
Friday, August 6, 2010
August 6th, 2010
Finally finished going through the levels on MW2. Now I can pick out the ones that I think are best suited for the novices and experts to play. Im blogging really early today because in about a half hour Im headed off to College and Careers. Its gonna be great! Im super excited and Octavia is going to room with me! See everyone on Monday!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
August 5th, 2010
Ok so today we started analyzing the data we collected yesterday only to find that the SD card cut off the last portion of our recording. Thus rendering us without an end calibration which is bad. We paniced all morning and worked on other things until Jeff came in (who we thought was dead) and declared there was no NEED for an end calibration, it only made it easier. So I have spent quite some time trying to get the calibrations lined up with sound alone. Another great day...
August 4th, 2010
We started actually testing or running experts and novices. Three people were tested. This was after tons of technical difficulties that made me realize my hate for portable eye trackers. It could be user error I suppose but in this case I dont think so. Anyway after we started collecting data Semanticode decided that IT also did not want to work. An awesome day...
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
August 3rd, 2010
Today I have managed to go partially deaf. The fire alarms went off numerous times and gave me a terrible fright. An up side to this is that we got to spend some more time with nature (I guess...). Octavia and I officially started working on our presentation today making it look all nice and pretty while still filling it with copious amounts of delicious information. Also we got the clear from Jeff to use pictures from our boot camp presentation, which is a big load off my shoulders because I thought we would have to find completely new ones to replace them. Luckily we just have to sight the presentation itself.
August 2nd, 2010
We ran into several problems with our final presentation today one of which had to do with PowerPoint. Octavia really likes PowerPoint 08 version but the computer we are working on only has 04 version. Therefore we had to come up with a crafty solution, we do all the work one the unwanted computer and then afterwords we would finish up making look nice on another. The only problem with this plan is that I have absolutely no idea if there are even any computers that have 08 in our building. So we will see.
Monday, August 2, 2010
July 30th, 2010
Octavia and I got started preparing for our final project, or at least we tried. It turns out PowerPoint will not work without an Administrators password. It was no problem though because we still had a bunch to learn about Adobe Lightroom before Jeff quiz's us on Monday. Thee morning was spent with that and getting a couple more people for our experiment that we created to help further understand the SMI. We got pizza and a chance to hear a talk from our very own document restoration expert. He's gone about a MILLION places and meet SO many people during the research that he does. My afternoon was actually cut short because I had to go take my driving test, which I passed with flying colors (and for everyone who doubted my parallel parking, that'll show you!).
July 30th, 2010
Octavia and I got started preparing for our final project, or at least we tried. It turns out PowerPoint will not work without an Administrators password. It was no problem though because we still had a bunch to learn about Adobe Lightroom before Jeff quiz's us on Monday. Thee morning was spent with that and getting a couple more people for our experiment that we created to help further understand the SMI. We got pizza and a chance to hear a talk from our very own document restoration expert. He's gone about a MILLION places and meet SO many people during the research that he does. My afternoon was actually cut short because I had to go take my driving test, which I passed with flying colors (and for everyone who doubted my parallel parking, that'll show you!).
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